AGAUR Co-Creation Stakeholder Workshops on RRI Institutional Change

Since June 2020, AGAUR has held ten online co-creation workshops on the exploration and definition of concrete measures and activities to achieve institutional change towards RRI, particularly focused on gender equality, ethics and research integrity and open access policy agendas as Grounding Actions.

Around 20% of AGAUR staff members from different departments and positions, together with external experts from the Catalan R&I ecosystem, were invited to participate in these workshops with the aim discussing and designing together concrete RRI  institutional actions (a co-creation approach). The first workshops consisted in familiarising the participants with the RRI concept and the policy agendas, as well as sharing views, including the provision of training. In the second step, the participants discussed and suggested measures, concrete actions as well as the possible barriers and necessary resources to carry them out. The outcome of these workshops will be presented to the Agency’s Executive Team and will serve as a starting point for developing an RRI Institutional Framework and guidelines.

Participants highly appreciated taking part in these workshops and have showed a very positive attitude towards acquiring new knowledge, sharing fresh ideas and new perspectives on research and innovation as well as participating in the Agency’s RRI strategy. The workshops have also showed how valuable ‘virtual networking’ can be given the pandemic situation and how bringing together internal and external participants with different backgrounds can lead to interesting discussions and insights on RRI and its practical implementation.

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