GRACE steps into its second phase!
Beginning of June 2020, the mid-term technical review of GRACE was completed with optimal evaluation results.
Over these first 15 months, GRACE has actively been preparing the ground for the actual implementation of its Grounding RRI Actions, that should in turn lead to fundamental RRI-orientated institutional changes.
For each of our six Research Funding and Performing Organisations (RFPOs) acting as Implementing Organisations (IOs), this period first consisted in identifying and defining concrete Grounding Actions (Gas).
With the support of consortium co-operating organisations and an evaluation scheme specifically designed for the project, they analysed their institution’s profile, needs and identified strategic areas to be addressed through the project.
Once identified, these Grounding Actions were then integrated within 8-year ‘Roadmaps towards RRI’ for each IO, still in a co-creation process.
During this preparatory phase, GRACE has set up an ambitious mutual learning framework. Four partners with comprehensive expertise in RRI support the six implementing organisations, advising them, focusing on the expected impacts of their GAs, defining a timeframe and thus ensuring their sustainable effect beyond the project timespan. The framework included two mutual learning workshops with the consortium, and regular online Mentoring and Monitoring Meetings (MMMs) between individual IOs and the consortium experts.
What’s the next step?
Over the next year (until July 2021), the six member organisations will focus on implementing their own Grounding Actions in all RRI pillars (citizen engagement in science, science education and open access, gender equality, research ethics and integrity as well as governance) identified in their roadmap towards institutional change
Specific attention will be paid to enlarging the network of actors of all consortium IOs as of the quadrupole helix approach. For this purpose, the IOs will also organize two local-dimension networking events where they invite their network members to inform and potentially engage them in RRI related activities.
What are your needs?
What are your needs for operating RRI-orientated changes? Discover our tool for reflection and discussion on RRI-related issues!