Bottom-up RRI initiatives

Are you interested in creating institutional changes at your organisation? Do you want to learn more about how to promote the embedding of RRI keys (Gender Equality, Science Education, Open Science, Research Ethics and Citizen Science) in your research? Sustainable institutional changes result from a collective effort where both top-down and bottom-up approaches are present and coordinated. This webinar will present inspiring practices of bottom-up initiatives driving to institutional changes carried out at research performing organisations. Practical examples will be given on how to mobilize a variety of actors, strategies for negotiations and which steps to follow for designing your own institutional action plan.  

This webinar addresses students, early-career researchers starting (or willing to start) institutional change. From theory to practice, inspiring practices on bottom-up initiatives.
Due to connection issues we were unfortunately unable to include Vania Palmieri’s presentation to the above recording.

Keynote speaker

Stéphanie Gauttier, chair of the Policy working group at Marie Curie Alumni Association. Dr Stéphanie Gauttier is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Grenoble Ecole de Management. She has worked on EU projects dedicated to RRI such as Responsible-Industry and SATORI, and participated as a stakeholder in several others such as RRI-tools. Stéphanie is currently the chair of the Policy Working Group of MCAA, where she works on and coordinates initiatives aiming at a responsible environment when it comes to research careers.


Vania Palmieri, University of Siena, Department of business and law, GRACE implementing partner. Vania is a PhD in Business Administration and Management. From June 2019 to June 2020 she held a research fellow issued by the Department and linked to GRACE. Today she is still part of the team that deals with the implementation of the activities that the Department included in its roadmap towards RRI, and her commitment has been crucial in triggering a bottom-up process of institutional change. Such experience has led her to devote significant attention to the subject of RRI, which has become part of the topics her research interests focus on.

Luciano d’Andrea, Knowledge & Innovation, GRACE expert partner. Luciano has been engaged for over thirty years in the domain of sociological research. Over the last decade, his research interests have been mainly focused on science-society relationships, understood as a privileged observation field to analyse the pervasive and profound transformation processes affecting contemporary societies as a whole. He has carried out research projects, consulting activities, training programmes and project evaluation exercises on behalf of several organizations including the European Commission (in particular, the Directorate-General for Research and the Directorate-General for Employment), the European Parliament, the European Social Fund, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN-HABITAT) and the World Bank. He has been a leader or team member in many H2020, FP7 and FP6 projects.


Eugenia Vilarchao, ESF

This event is part of the eight final webinars the GRACE project is holding every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December, where project partners and external experts share their findings and provide useful knowledge to implement RRI in research performing and funding organisations

For almost three years, GRACE project partners have worked towards implementing fundamental institutional change in 6 research performing and funding organisations. With an intense mutual learning programme and a co-creation environment, six expert partners have supported six other partners in developing a set of specific RRI-orientated Grounding Actions in their organisation, paving the way for further institutional change.

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