Registrations to the SeRRI final conference are open!
The SeeRRI final conference will take place in the beautiful Barcelona on the 29th and 30th of September 2021. During the conference, participants will challenge conventional wisdom on how to be responsible in regional planning. The conference will also be a valuable opportunity to give visibility to other RRI projects, as participants will be able to display their posters and share their RRI practices and strategies implemented at a territorial level.
The deadline to submit the abstracts is now extended to 14 July 2021.
SeeRRI is a project that aims at developing a framework for integrating the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into regional Smart Specialisation policy. Their objective has been to find a new way of collaborating in research and innovation activities based on a responsible mindset, while also implementing the principles of RRI in their own organisation.
The SeeRRI project has worked tirelessly for three years to find a framework that allows territories to put Responsible Research and Innovation principles at the core of their smart specialisation stratregy. Financed by Horizon2020, the project has piloted its process in three different territories: B30 (Spain), Lower Austria, and Nordland (Norway), counting on the participation of twelve partner organisations from five different countries.
The project will culminate in the Final Conference, “Bringing RRI into Regional Planning: From Theory to SeeRRI”, hosted by the beautiful modernist building “Casa Convalescència” in Barcelona. The conference will gather representatives from all the branches of the quadruple helix, as well as curious citizens who are eager to discuss relevant topics such as sustainability, regional innovation, and responsible territorial planning.
Visit their website to learn more about the conference and secure your seat. It’s time to get SeeRRIous!