Guidance documents
In the framework of the Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Change in European Research
Funding and Performing Organisations (GRACE) project, a specific task is focused on “the collection of experiences documenting RRI documented institutional changes” and on “the elaboration of these experiences into a set of short guidance documents”.
The overall aim of the Task is that of assisting the GRACE partners engaged in embedding RRI in their
own institute to design and implement a set of RRI-oriented Grounding Actions (GAs), to integrate
these GAs with each other (developing a unitary governance system for them), to ensure their
sustainability and to use them as a platform for developing a Roadmap towards RRI going beyond the
GRACE project lifespan (overall 8 years).
In order to pursue this objective, a state-of-the-art of documented experiences on RRI has been
developed, the results of which are presented in seven autonomous documents, although connected
to each other. You may download them here:
- Document 1 – Collection of experiences on gender equality
- Document 2 – Collection of experiences on citizen engagement
- Document 3 – Collection of experiences in science education
- Document 4 – Collection of experiences on research ethics and integrity
- Document 5 – Collection of experiences on open access
- Document 6 – Approaches to RRI implementation
- Document 7 – Basic scheme for self-assessment
All the documents have been developed by Luciano d’Andrea and Giovanna Declich at Knowledge & Innovation (K&I).
Please note that these are not formal deliverables and their circulation is restricted to the GRACE project consortium members.