Embedding gender equality in organisational cultures: how can this best be achieved?
For achieving institutional changes in Gender Equality it is essential to create an organisational culture that promotes and embraces diversity and gender equality principles. The engagement of diverse actors across the organisation, from management to trainees, is fundamental for obtaining a sustainable embedment.
In a practical sense, creating a working group on Gender Equality is a very good starting point. Meeting with colleagues to discuss what the specific needs of the organization are, what the working environment is like and which actions could be easily implemented in the short-term could be the first steps for building a Gender Equality Plan tailored for the organisation.
Moreover, awareness-raising activities are crucial to making visible hidden biases, practices and stereotypes that lead to inequalities, and overall to stimulate a general sensitivity to gender issues. However, these activities risk positioning the attendees as spectators instead of actors. Participatory activities, on the other hand, will encourage individual commitment and help understanding Gender Equality as a collective endeavour.
Eugenia Vilarchao
European Science Foundation